arvil's blog

Here we go again!

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post and the site is pretty empty at the moment, but don't forget to check back soon as I have a lot of content planned!

Me before I end up abandoning yet another blog

If I had a dollar every time I create a blog just for me to abandon it then I'll probably have 3 dollars. It's not a lot, but why do I always do this?

Let's investigate.

(WARNING: wall of text below!)

I'm a web developer! My blog should be...

No, it doesn't.

Like many web developers, I've wanted to create my website that uses the technologies that I use.

I wanted my website to be a single-page web application with a backend that loads all posts with comment support all eventually consistent and event sourced, with a WYSIWYG editor for myself that also sanitizes all entries - and of course, all hand-made! That was the plan, at least.

While it's not a bad idea (it is, though) for a personal site, it's too complicated for what it is.

I could easily just use Wordpress, or, or even Blogger, or Medium, or... well, you get the point.

I could, yes - and I have, but there's just this appeal of making your own website and blog, so I always go back to starting a blog project and writing everything from the ground up but end up abandoning it.

Well, I'm looking at a blog right now - so did you finish your blogging system?

Congratulations! You can see! Or hear, if you're using a screen-reader.

I, in fact, didn't make one this time. I opted to use 11ty, and so far, I feel like I've found something that I could continue using that would give me more time to actually write posts than trying to re-invent the wheel.

It's a static site generator that supports markdown, HTML, nunjucks, liquid, and a slew of other template languages and generates a static site for you!

// and it even has a code highlighter plugin!
this.would.come = "in handy";

for (var post in await Future.value(["post", "post2"])) {
    // TODO

// "this would come in handy for future posts to do" in case you didn't get it

I have things to share now

Back in the day, I just wanted to make a website for the hell of it - to have one is kind of like a geek badge.

Now that I've had more time to learn and create new things, apathetic on petty things like "geek badges", and for someone who's been in the software industry for a while that's got a knack for sharing new learnings, big and small, to friends, who clearly just humor me - it's almost a necessity!

I want to share the valuable wisdom I picked up along the way to anyone who wants to listen (read: read), and for my future self - just in case I forget how to do certain things.

I don't want to jinx it by asking you to check back for future posts soon (I should have 11ty's RSS plugin installed, though), but I do plan to share stuff about Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing, Flutter, Angular and RxJS, and some C# things every once in a while. Coupled with a few personal posts here and there.

Now for posterity, here's what my home page looks like right now after my first post.


Don't worry, the layout is tempormanent.

— Me, talking to myself

Should the layouts change, and it would (I really hope), I would always have a reminder of what it once looked like. No matter how "uninspired" it looks at the time of writing.

Here's to the future!

08 July 2024 | Tags: posts; personal